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Enhanced Ben-Hur reading app with art on Android

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Delve into the iconic tale of "Ben-Hur" with a reading experience thoughtfully enhanced for your Android mobile device. This app presents one of classical literature’s most renowned works, originally penned by Lewis Wallace, an American General from the Civil War era. "Ben-Hur" unfolds amidst the transformative early years of Christianity, resonating in later masterpieces such as Mikhail Bulgakov's "The Master and Margarita."

The Russian translation offered by Бен-Гур had been skillfully rendered in the late 19th century by Julia Denisovna Zasetskaya, ensuring that the profound narrative and its historical intricacies are impeccably preserved. The storied pages have been adapted for the screen multiple times, a testament to their enduring cultural resonance.

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In addition to the gripping narrative, the app features the venerable cover picture "Calvary" (1570) by P.Veroneze, engaging those with an appreciation for literature and art. For users who value the convenience of technology alongside literary finesse, Бен-Гур has been designed to allow for personalized display settings on various Android devices. Despite its depth, the game maintains a lean size and promises not to overburden your device with its operational demands.

If the book resonates with you, consider sharing your impressions with a star review to support the game.

A vast library awaits, with over 270 titles meticulously transformed into digital form, ensuring a bounty of reading material is just a click away. For further discovery, the full catalog can be accessed through the publisher's dedicated website.

Privacy-conscious individuals will be pleased to know that the application takes your data security seriously, avoiding the intrusion into personal details or sending premium-rate SMS messages.

Finally, for those with literary aspirations, imagine the impact of having your work accessible to a wide audience of Android users through such a digital platform. New authors are welcomed by the publisher, providing a pathway for your writings to gain recognition and readership.

This review has been crafted using the insights provided by Publish Digital Books.

Requirements (Latest version)

  • Android 4.1, 4.1.1 or higher required

Information about Бен-Гур 7.4

Package Name ru.webvo.book.AOTPGFNAYMPABZJMD
License Free
Op. System Android
Category Comics & Book Readers
Language English
Author Publish Digital Books
Downloads 0
Date Feb 21, 2024
Content Rating Not specified
Advertisement Not specified
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